Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


City Stalls Google Fiber Rollout, Blames Google

“The slow-going rollout of Google Fiber in San Antonio ground to a halt this week.

On Wednesday, City Manager Sheryl Sculley alerted city council members that construction on the city’s elaborate Google Fiber system had been put on pause. The reason? “Constraints” of several public properties, as first reported by the Express-News.

In her letter to council members, Sculley says the city needs to “reevaluate” Google Fiber’s placement of the so-called “fiber huts” — small buildings (50-feet by 30-feet) that act as transfer stations for its high-speed fiber-optic network. This announcement comes after northeast side residents blasted city management for allowing Google to build one of its first huts in an Oak Park neighborhood park. While the standstill may temporarily subdue frustrated residents’ outcries (which have now spread to other outlying neighborhoods), the action comes as Google is already backing away from fiber, having halted construction in no less than 11 major cities last year.”

To read the full article click here.