Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


My Child, My Choice

BEFORE Tues., JANUARY 31: Your opportunity to help accomplish, My Child, My Choice.

Are you ready for School Choice. One of the biggest aspects of what’s missing to improve our children’s education is #SchoolChoice. Competition brings out the best or worst in the market place, the community, and in education.

Competition for the state education dollars following the child will help correct the wokeness happening in public education.

Now is the time. This is the Texas Legislative Session in which it can happen. A bill can pass this time and the Governor can sign it.

CONSIDER telling the SBOE to help Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature to make School Choice a reality NOW.

How? Write and call the State Board of Education and tell them that you want the legislative priority of school choice to be put on the agenda for reconsideration.

Tuesday, January 31, the SBOE WILL MEET and discuss its legislative priorities

For School Choice to have a chance, there needs to be enough votes from SBOE members to vote to NOT proceed with a legislative priority to oppose school choice. The SBOE’s current legislative priority is to oppose “any attempts to divert public dollars away from public schools.”

This is contrary to the will of Texans. For School Choice to pass in the Texas Legislature NOW, the SBOE Members need to avoid putting forth their anti-choice idea that they adopted in November 2022 and stay out of giving their input or to change their legislative priority to leave that legislative priority that they adopted last November off of their legislative priority list so they can work with the legislature, the governor, and the lieutenant governor to promote school choice.

Please consider charitably contacting your SBOE Member and tell them that you want them to stop any legislative priority against school choice and that it would be best to actually encourage the state legislature to pass a bill ensuring you, the parents of students have a choice in education.

SBOE District 1 Melissa N. Ortega (D), (915) 299-8293, [email protected]

SBOE District 2 LJ Francis (R), (361) 502-1442, [email protected]

SBOE District 3 Marisa B. Perez-Diaz (D, (210) 294-6140, [email protected]

SBOE District 4 Staci Childs (D), [email protected]

SBOE District 5 Rebecca Bell-Metereau (D), (512) 665-2157, [email protected]

SBOE District 6 Will Hickman (R), (832) 304-0051, [email protected]

SBOE District 7 Julie Pickren, (361) 585-4389, [email protected]

SBOE District 8 Audrey Young (936) 662-4264, [email protected]

SBOE District 9 Kevin Ellis (Chairman), (512)710-7915, [email protected]

SBOE District 10 Tom Maynard, (512)763-2801, [email protected]

SBOE District 11 Patricia Hardy, (817)732-1786, [email protected]

SBOE District 12 Pam Little, (972)342-6697, [email protected]

SBOE District 13 Aicha Davis, (469)340-3643, [email protected]

SBOE District 14 Evelyn Brooks, (972)322-9780, [email protected]

SBOE District 15 Aaron Kinsey, (325)238-5060, [email protected]
